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Board Meeting Remote Conferencing

When available, members of the public can observe the live stream of the Board Meeting remotely as follows::



Call (669) 900-9128 and enter the Meeting ID# 840 9050 9848 followed by the pound (#) key


The ability to participate and observe remotely as identified above is predicated on the technology being available and functioning without technical difficulties.  Should the remote platform not be available, or become non-functioning, or should the Board of Directors otherwise encounter technical difficulties that makes that platform unavailable, the Board of Directors will proceed with business in person unless otherwise prohibited by law.

Public comment can be sent remotely by delivering a physical copy to 7500 Schmidt Lane, El Cerrito, CA 94530 or via email to with “Public Comment” in the subject line. To provide written comment on an item on the agenda or to address the Board during Public Comment, please note the agenda item number that you want to address or whether you intend for the comment to be included in Public Comment. Comments timely received at least 15 minutes before the starting time of the meeting will be provided to the Board of Directors and will be added to the official record.

Public Comment during the meeting is limited to in-person participants and those comments timely received at least 15 minutes before the starting time of the meeting. Members of the public will not have the ability to comment via Zoom unless the Board of Directors is required to provide that opportunity due to a Director participating pursuant to AB 2449. In such a circumstance, the Chair will make an announcement at the beginning of the meeting. Those interested in commenting (if required per AB 2449) should raise their virtual hands to notify the host during the relevant agenda item.

Pursuant to AB 2449, Board Members may be attending this meeting via remote conferencing. In the event that any Board Member elects to attend remotely, all votes conducted during the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote.